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4. Environment variables

This section contains a list of all environment variables that are relevant for slrn. Please note that environment variables have a low priority. They can be overridden by both configuration file and command line switches.


If this variable is set, slrn will assume that your terminal supports ANSI color sequences. It also enables a workaround for a problem with the mouse reporting when running slrn inside of an rxvt.


If set, slrn assumes that X11 is running and uses Xbrowser when browsing a URL. Otherwise, non_Xbrowser is called.






If no hostname is given, the value of this environment variable is used. As a last resort, slrn will call gethostname(3), gethostbyname(3) and getaddrinfo(3) (if available) to find a value it can work with. The hostname can also be hardcoded when building slrn (see OUR_HOSTNAME in slrnfeat.h). The value of OUR_HOSTNAME can either be the hostname as a string or the name of a file containing the hostname. Note that the environment variable overrides the hardcoded default and that the configuration variable overrides both.


See $USER.


If you did not set realname, slrn tries to get a value from $NAME. On Unix systems, it also queries the /etc/passwd gecos field.


You can use this variable to tell slrn which NNTP server to connect to. It can be overridden by the command line option ``-h''. It is possible to compile in a default setting in case the user does not set $NNTPSERVER. This is done in slrnfeat.h by either setting NNTPSERVER_FILE to the name of a file containing the hostname or by directly setting NNTPSERVER_NAME to the hostname. In case both are defined, slrn first tries to read the file and only uses NNTPSERVER_NAME as a fallback.


If organization is unset, the value of this variable is used. It overrides the compile time setting of OUR_ORGANIZATION (default is unset) in slrnfeat.h. Both the environment variable and the compile time default can optionally point to a file from which the organization line will be read.


On Unix systems, slrn pipes the current article to an external program in order to print it. If you do not specify the program using printer_name, it uses ``lpr -P$PRINTER'' as the default.


This variable is only used on Unix systems that don't support getcwd(3). In these cases, it should be set to the current directory at the time slrn is invoked. This is usually nothing the user has to worry about.


The value of this variable is used as the default if you do not set replyto in your slrnrc file.




The help window you get when hitting ``?'' inside slrn shows the default key bindings, which may or may not be the ones you are currently using. This is why slrn allows you to change the help text by creating a ``help file'' and letting $SLRNHELP point to it (the absolute filename is needed here). If $SLRNHELP is unset, slrn tries to read help.txt in the config directory.

Your slrn distribution should include the file help.txt which you can copy and modify to suit your needs. It also serves as an example of the syntax of slrn help files.


When interpreting filenames as relative to your home directory, slrn uses this variable to find out what your home directory is. If $SLRNHOME is unset, $HOME is used instead.


If you want to use slrnpull, you need to define a directory where it will look for its configuration files and spool the articles. An absolute filename is needed here. There is a compile time default for it in slrnfeat.h (SLRNPULL_ROOT_DIR, default: "/var/spool/news/slrnpull"), which can be overridden by the environment variable $SLRNPULL_ROOT. If an alternate root directory is given via the command line parameter ``-d'', it overrides both.


If you did not define an editor in editor_command et al, slrn checks this variable. If it is unset, slrn subsequently looks at $SLANG_EDITOR, $EDITOR and $VISUAL. The last desperate call goes to edit (VMS and Windows), e (OS/2) or vi (Unix).


If set slrn will search for S-Lang macros here. If not set slrn will search in the default path, which is defined at compile time (usually <INSTALLPATH>/share/slrn/slang).


Indicates the directory in which slrn should save temporary files. If it is unset or does not contain an existing directory, $TMPDIR is tried. If both are unset, /tmp is used on UNIX systems, the current working directory on OS/2 and Windows and SYS$LOGIN: on VMS.

An exception to this are temporary files created to invoke metamail. In this case, $TMP is only queried on OS/2 and Windows NT.


See $TMP.


If username is unset, slrn tries to get your login name from the system first. If this fails, it looks at $USER and $LOGNAME.



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